We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then it comes here after a month.
You can see the original post on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/posts/v-t-at-great-up-69918516
Here’s the first of three installments, this one showing an interview with Taylor McCready of the V&T Railroad. This was shot at the Great Western Steam-Up at the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City. The second installment will be Tom Gray and the third is a surprise.
As you’ve seen in the “Shiners” post, Taylor ran a crew of volunteers, all while he answered questions and talked to people who came to See the Reno. Taylor here talks mostly about the headlight he played a role in restoring. The Reno’s headlight was primarily done by Madison Kirkman, who owns a restoration company. On a related note, if you haven’t checked it out, be sure to check out the V&T-related Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/808084679229190
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