Category: Patreon

  • Kyle Wyatt and Tom Gray Talk Russia Iron on the V&T #11 the “Reno”

    We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then the video comes here and goes public on YouTube. You can see the original post on Patreon…

  • V&T’s President Tom Gray at Great Western Steam Up

    We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then videos come here to this site and YouTube after a month. You can see the original post…

  • V&T at the Great Western Steam-Up: Taylor McCready Interview

    We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then it comes here after a month. You can see the original post on Patreon at Here’s…

  • V&T #11 the “Reno” — Taking a Torch to the Tender Side Sill / Front Sill Connector

    We’ll have the video available publicly soon, they go public on YouTube and get posted here when they have been on Patreon for a month. VIP Patreon members get immediate access, while Offical members wait 10-14 days, then the video comes here and goes public on YouTube. You can see the original post on Patreon…

  • Update on Video Sharing Timeline

    This is an announcement about sharing upcoming videos. —————— We’ve come to a decision about this relatively new Patreon account. We’re sorry if it rubs anyone the wrong way, that’s not our intention, we’re just getting settled in here on Patreon. The change is, we’re going to release video content publicly on YouTube after a…

  • “Reno” Special Fundraiser — #29 Pulls the Carson City Coach Past Scales

    “Reno” Special Fundraiser — #29 Pulls the Carson City Coach Past Scales

    You can see the video by supporting us on Patreon. We won’t usually release back to back videos but here you are … the  video I made while riding the special fundraiser train Tom ran on July  3, 2022.    #29, the Robert C. Gray, pulled the Carson City coach up to the depot  and…

  • Great Video of the Reno Unloading at Virginia City!

    Here’s a video shot by a new contributor, Justin the Conductor. We’re really excited  to have him on the ground in Virginia City! I wasn’t expecting this so  soon, wanted to get it out first ahead of the other announced videos.  I’m working on the Reno Fundraising Special video next. Justin caught up with the…

  • The Reno is Ready For You

    See this post on Patreon at We hope to see you at the Great Western Steam Up! Come See The Reno at the Nevada State Railroad Museum.  If you’re a Patron, or just have questions,  come introduce yourself to our Train Crew.  We’re ready to meet you!

  • Thanks Taylor and Colin and Everyone Who Helped With The Reno!

    We just wanted to tease a short video showing one of our Patrons, Colin, contributing even more by helping to polish the Reno at the Great Western Steam Up! Also a special thanks to VIP Patron Taylor McCready, who worked tirelessly for four days helping to shine and promote the Reno. Taylor and his crew…

  • Reno Tender — See the How the Tender Side Bolsters Fit In

    The video for this post is available to Patrons at This links to a Youtube Short, we’ll see how well Patreon plays those. It’s not picking up on the thumbnail correctly, fwiw. Remember in this video post where Tom Gray started out by showing the tender side bolsters? Become an Official Patron to see…