Update and a Question For You All

This post originally appeared on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/posts/68967023

Hello to our small pool of Patrons, we’d like to offer you an official welcome to you all from us at the V&T! 

We plan to market the channel more aggressively soon, so hopefully it will blow up over time. You’re in on the ground floor, congrats and thanks again for your support.

Recently I’ve been in Nevada getting some content that will be released soon, as soon as I get to editing it:

  • I have one video I’m halfway done with, it’s showing the July 3, 2022 5:30pm Reno Fundraising Special where we rode down past Scales and did a photo runby at sunset. There was also a shop tour. It was amazing — what a way to cap off the Great Western Steam Up! Expect this Tuesday-Wednesday.

The video, as will be our usual practice, will release to our VIP Tier first, then about a week or two later (as I remember to get to it) I’ll release them to the Official Tier.

  • There’s also plenty of interviews, partly with Tom and then most interestingly an interview with Kyle Wyatt about Russia iron. I learned more about sheet metal and metallurgy during those few minutes than I had before. It’s really a great interview, to be released on the schedule above when I’m done editing.
  • Then there will be a “Shiner’s” video, where I get a few clips of people shining the Reno mixed in with general clips of runbys and other sights at the Great Western Steam Up. I actually wanted to do this first, but it’s the most challenging video to make because I have to search through video for the best clips, while the other projects are on a set timeline I can follow.


For now, I’d like to ask you all a question, do you think we should stick with two tiers? Please indicate yes or no, and then in the comments it would be great if you could explain your reasoning. I’m thinking of adding a $12.50 tier but can’t figure out yet what incentives to offer that tier.

Also, for those VIP sign-ups, a special thanks! We’re trying to figure out live streams right now.

OK that’s it everyone, if you’re a Nevada Northern fan, keep an eye on the “Got Drone” channel on Youtube, I’ll be posting a video of my first drone flight at the  NNRY soon, maybe tonight.

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